Sunday, November 24, 2013

Our Collected Evidence from Haunted Hill House Mineral Wells, Texas

Haunted Hill House
Mineral Wells, Texas
Photographer:  Linda Chadwick
No paranormal evidence is featured here

What's up paranormals? 

     Hello everyone!   Linda S. Chadwick, Owner and Lead Investigator reporting in today.  Amber Chadwick is taking a short break, but don't worry she'll be back on duty soon.  But until then, I'll fill you in on the happenings at Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, Texas. 
In this blog, I will be discussing Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators investigation and collected evidence from our paranormal investigation at Haunted Hill House. 

History of the Location

     Haunted Hill House was approximately built in 1898 in the shadow of the famous Baker Hotel at 501 N.E. 1st Street in Mineral Wells, Texas.  It is a majestic two story home that sits on a peer and beam foundation.  It has towering 12 foot ceilings and a beautiful oak staircase.  In its prime, this house was for sure a loving family home as well as quite the showplace.  The historical records reveal very little that alludes to the home's past.  However, for the past 15 years it has been a rental property to the same family.  The family evidently experienced a lot of paranormal activity, some bordering on the extreme.  It is reported that they left in a hurry, leaving it in ill repair.  The current owner states that he was able to speak with the female who grew up in the house.  She told him she had pages and pages of recorded activity, and that under no circumstances would she return to this home.  The owner, Phil Kirchhoff, has become quite familiar with the house, and has conducted quite a bit of research and interviews with people.  The following rumors are it may have been a brothel at one point in the history.  One of the prostitutes gave birth to a mongoloid child who lived in the attic until his death at the age of six.  Another rumor is, a young child accidently hung himself beside the house.  Finally the last rumor, Phil Kirchhoff alluded that something may have been brought into the home possibly by a negative force such as devil worship or witchcraft.    

Haunted Hill House staircase
Mineral Wells, Texas
Photo by:  Amber Chadwick
No paranormal evidence here
Paranormal Evidence

We collected a substantial amount of paranormal evidence from this investigation; we captured EVP's, as well as video and photographic evidence.  The video cameras were set up in different locations of the house, covering as many bases as possible.  We sat a video camera up at the bottom of the oak staircase aiming upwards.  We also sat up a video camera at the back doorway of the home looking inward.  We also sat a video camera up in the kitchen shooting the interior.  It was on the video camera at the bottom of the staircase in which we captured very intriguing evidence.  The team and owner left to go downtown and the video camera continued to film the entire time.  Upon reviewing, we discovered you could clearly hear footsteps upstairs walking back and forth and just a bit after that you could clearly hear a voice whisper, "Yes."  The most exciting was the video taped evidence of our interaction with the spirit occupying the upstairs attic.  When we asked it to push the ball over, it did, not once but several times. 


We sat up EVP recorders throughout the house, including the attic where the supposed child stayed.  We also left an EVP recorder running while we slept.  We captured quite a bit of evidence, most while we slept.  You could hear footsteps upstairs, whispering of voices, bumps, furniture scoots, moaning and faint whistling.   But probably the most compelling was the EVP's which occurred in the same room while we were sleeping.  The equipment suitcase handles jiggling back and forth, and the voice whispering, "Who is this?" 

We also sat up trigger devices throughout the house.  We do so by sprinkling powder then gently laying the trigger devices such as playing cards, poker chips, balls, marbles, toy car and candy in the center.  We take pictures before and then at the end of the investigation.  We did have disturbances in the powder with the candy and the playing cards.  
We took many random photographs throughout the night using digital cameras, infrared cameras and disposable cameras.  Although the photographic evidence wasn't as plentiful as the other evidence, we did gather a few worth mentioning such as unexplained color light sources, shadows, and translucent anomalies. 

Haunted Hill House
Mineral Wells, Texas
Photo by:  Linda Chadwick
Photograph of the interaction

Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators spent approximately 16 hours locked down inside this house, and had our fair share of personal experiences.  We believe our team has come up with effective scientific methods and procedures that assist and ensure us in obtaining hard evidence that backs up any and all of the personal experiences. 
Haunted Hill House is well over 100 years old, so its only reasonable a lot of the noises be attributed to this, but without historically backed up evidence it is hard to say without a shadow of doubt why this home is experiencing paranormal activity.  However, what is factual is Mineral Wells, Texas was built over a heavy concentration of rock, quartz and the 'crazy water' mineral wells in which the town became famous.  Quartz, as well as the other rocks are naturally occurring paranormal residual recording stones, storing energy within them.  The mineral waters have also been regarded for years to hold special powers therefore it is only logical to surmise that what is occurring here is a residual haunting.  A residual haunting is an imprint of a past event playing itself out over and over for every generation to experience over a period of years or even centuries. 
Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators believe that the walls of Haunted Hill House is holding onto the energy of the people who inhabited it throughout the years as well as the events that occurred there.  Is it haunted?  Yes, our team believes it is.  
Haunted Hill House
Mineral Wells, Texas
Photo by:  John Hutchison
No Paranormal Evidence here 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Our Collected Evidence and Experiences from Pioneer's Rest Cemetery Fort Worth, Texas

Pioneer's Rest Cemetery historical marker
Fort Worth, Texas
Photographer:  Amber Chadwick
No paranormal evidence featured here

The front gates of the cemetery
Photographer:  Linda Chadwick
No paranormal evidence featured here

What's up paranormals?

     Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators would like to apologize for the lack of blogs and videos lately; things have been very hectic for all of us, so we will try and keep up with them as best we can. 

     Also, the team would like for you to know that we have finished reviewing all of the photographs from our investigation at Haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, Texas, and are almost finished reviewing the EVP's and videos; needless to say, we have a ton of evidence.  The blog and video about Haunted Hill House will be posted soon, so please be patient. 

     With graves from the mid-1800's, Pioneer's Rest Cemetery is one of the oldest cemeteries in Fort Worth, Texas. The founder of Tarrant County is also buried there, making it a historically significant cemetery.  It also is, without a doubt and to our discovery, a paranormal hotspot. 

The grave of Major Ripley A. Arnold (one of the oldest graves in the cemetery)
Photographer:  Amber Chadwick
No paranormal evidence featured here

The grave of Edward H. Tarrant
Photographer:  Amber Chadwick
No paranormal evidence featured here

Paranormal Evidence

     Sadly, we did not capture any EVP's; the cemetery is located right by a railroad track, which makes it next to impossible (due to the ambient noises) to successfully record any audio. 

     However, did we capture one photograph that we do believe to be paranormal evidence. 

Our guest Sheri surrounded by ecto-mist
This picture was taken during our first investigation of this location
Photographer:  Linda Chadwick

     As the team approached Major Ripley A. Arnold's grave, our guest investigator Sheri and lead investigator John Hutshison both heard a voice calling out Sheri's name (it was not any of our team members).  Luckily, lead investigator Linda Chadwick snapped this photograph at this exact moment.  No one was smoking when this picture was taken, nor was it cold outside (this investigation took place in mid-August).  Therefore, this picture cannot be explained.

Paranormal Experiences

     Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators has investigated this cemetery numerous times, so over time we all have had shared paranormal experiences of this location.

     We can all vividly remember our first paranormal investigation at Pioneer's Rest Cemetery.  During our preliminary investigation that preceding afternoon, investigators Linda and Amber Chadwick and our guest investigator Sheri, walked the grounds to get a feel of the location.  Even during the day time, we could already tell that this was going to be a good investigation; the sound of footsteps behind us and the tap that Linda received on her shoulder definitely was a good indication. 

     That following evening, upon entering the location, we all noticed the ominous veil of darkness that seemed to have blanketed the whole cemetery; that darkness was unlike the darkness that we were previously in.  Once we entered the cemetery, the team was not fully prepared with what we were about to encounter.  We automatically felt as if we were being stalked by a malevolent energy; it felt like we were the prey, and it was the predator; the leaves constantly crinkled behind us.  We also continued to see shadow play throughout the night, one looked like a small child darting from tree to tree.  One experience that really shook the team up, was when this malevolent energy shouted "GET OUT!" in a guttural tone.  That startled all of us to the point where we seriously thought about leaving; needless to say, we continued our investigation.  We even continued to investigate this location on a regular basis.  

     After awhile, the malevolent energy began to dwindle down; the energy became more of a welcoming presence and the residual darkness began to slowly vanish.  We hardly ever witness any paranormal activity there anymore, so the team can definitely conclude that they have warmed up to us and are no longer defensive; that isn't to say that you wouldn't have any paranormal experiences there.  So in conclusion, Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators can conclude that Pioneer's Rest Cemetery is in fact a paranormal hotspot.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Guess Who Has a Paranormal Investigation Booked on Halloween Night?'-lantern
What's up paranormals? 

     Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators is pleased to announce that we will be having a business/residential investigation booked on Halloween night!  Sorry, but we cannot tell you where we are going (we will tell you after the investigation!). 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our Investigation at Benbrook Cemetery Benbrook, Texas

Weeping Angel.  Photographer:  Linda Chadwick

What's up paranormals? 

     Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators has recently received messages from a concerned individual.  She stated that every time she drove past Benbrook Cemetery, a strange feeling overcame her; she also saw lights and shadow figures within the cemetery at night.  With that being said, the team decided that these occurrences were good enough reasons to have an investigation there. 
     Overall, the team only had a few minor experiences, such as:  hair tugging, shadow play, and strange feelings.  The cemetery is heavily bordered by a gas station, open fields, and busy intersections, making it impossible to conduct an EVP session due to the ambient noises.  We can definitely say that this is a well kept cemetery, with many loved individuals buried inside; we see no reason why there would be any angry spirits.  Benbrook Cemetery was a very moving experience for us all. 

Unfortunately, we did not capture any EVP's or photographic evidence. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Collected Evidence from Laurel Land Cemetery Fort Worth, TX

What's up paranormals? 

     Today, we will be covering our collected evidence from Laurel Land Cemetery.  Sadly, we did not capture any EVP's, but we did capture two compelling photographs.  

Photo #1

Investigators Linda and Amber Chadwick; strange mist surrounding Amber.
Photographer:  Michelle McDonald
     As soon as the team found Linda, Amber, and Zachary Chadwick's relatives, we decided to sit down and record an EVP session, with hopes of communicating with them.  With no luck, we ended it and went on our way.  As we were walking away (we were probably 13 feet away from their graves), the EMF detectors went through the roof; it especially went off when put up against Amber (she had no electronic equipment on her at the time).  She began to feel drained, lightheaded, and sick.  That was when Michelle, our photographer at the time, snapped several pictures (back-to-back) of her.  After that, her camera died, despite having a full charge prior to the investigation.  When reviewing the evidence, we discovered that there was a yellowish-white mist surrounding Amber that was not present in the other photographs taken (the light by Linda was her flashlight).  The team concluded that not only was the spirit taking energy from the camera, it was also taking energy from Amber as well so that it could manifest itself in the photograph. 

Photo #2

Investigators John Hutshison and Zachary Chadwick
Photographer:  Michelle McDonald
     While we were investigating the mausoleums, the team kept getting EMF spikes; we also heard a woman scream, a child talking, and all smelt the smell of death lingering in the air (we also experienced electrical malfunctions with our equipment).  None of our team members had flashlights on (the camera flash was on, but there was nothing for the light to bounce off of; the ball of light would have been on one of the mausoleums if that were the case).   

These photographs can not be explained. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators now has a new team member.

What's up paranormals? 

     We are very happy to announce that we have a new team member.  Meet Felisha Oliver, our research manager.  Great things are happening right now, so stay tuned! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

We Are Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators

     Are you experiencing paranormal activity in your home or place of business?  Then contact us, we are here to help. 


Collected Evidence from The Absinthe Lounge Dallas, Texas

The Absinthe Lounge
 Dallas, Texas
Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

     What's up paranormals?  The team is sorry for the lack of blogs lately, and we promise to keep up with them as best we can.  


     South Side on Lamar lofts, located at 1409 S.  Lamar Street, Ste.  008, Dallas, Texas, was built by The Sears & Roebuck Company in 1913.  For at least 20 years, the building remained vacant; after that, it became what it is today.  The Absinthe Lounge, is one of the suites that resides within the building. 

Antique Sears & Roebuck Company safe
Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

South Side on Lamar lofts Dallas, Texas
Photographer:  Michelle McDonald


Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

"It's like, really scary".
     Team members John Hutshison and Zachary Chadwick, and ex team member Michelle McDonald were conducting an EVP session by the main part of the bar.  You can hear a disembodied child's voice beginning to speak (almost mockingly), even when Michelle began to talk about the EVP running.  *Linda and Amber were in another room, and Michelle's voice is very distinct, so it could not have been any of our team members.  This EVP was also captured on video. 

"SO...  Creepy".

     Team members John Hutshison and Zachary Chadwick, and ex team member Michelle McDonald were conducting an EVP session by the main part of the bar.  Right after Michelle began to talk about the building, you can hear a disembodied male voice mockingly saying "SO...  Creepy".  *John and Zachary were not speaking at the time of the EVP session.  This EVP was also captured on video. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Collected Evidence from Cartersville Ghost Town Springtown, Texas

Cartersville historical marker.  Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

     Founded in 1866, Cartersville was once a thriving town in its prime; within it were many residences, local businesses, a school yard, and a church.  Sadly, their population began to decline in the 1900's, due to small pox outbreaks, a major fire, and Indian raids.  The only remaining structures of the once booming town are the church and school yard.  

Cartersville's Church:  No paranormal evidence featured here.  Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

Cartersville's school yard:  No paranormal evidence featured here.  Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

     Now that you have learned about Cartersville's history, lets get on with the paranormal evidence.  Sadly, we do not have any photographic evidence.  However, we do have many EVP responses.  

*Turn up your speakers!

     Linda asks if there is a little girl here (the church), and this is the response that we received.  

     This night, we brought Buddy (our paranormal pooch) on the investigation with us.  After John talked about him, we captured this immediate response.  


EVP-"You're welcome."  
EVP- Thump thump thump.  
     Throughout the investigation, we asked the spirits if they could knock three times so that they can make their presence known.  Needless to say, they did, and were in fact there with us. 
     John, Amber, and Zachary were in the church doing an EVP session.  When John asks "what's your name?", we captured an immediate response.

EVP- Bench scooting and EMF spike
     Linda was doing an EVP session by herself in the church.  As she is walking toward the entrance, she heard one of the benches scooting (which can not be easily scooted), and an immediate EMF (electromagnetic field) spike.  



Sunday, September 8, 2013

Meet Buddy, our "Paranormal Pooch".

What's up, paranormals?  

Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators are pleased to introduce our beloved paranormal pooch, Buddy, the pitbull/boxer/red heeler mix.  We have come to discover that he is a very intuitive dog and is a very welcoming addition to our team.  Unlike most dogs, Buddy has no reactions to other animals or people; However, he does have reactions to the unseen.  

After studying this concept for awhile, Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators can conclude that animals have psychic senses and can very well be used in paranormal investigations.  Depending on the animal, their reactions can be noted as potential evidence.  Just like children, they have pure and untainted minds, enabling them to be more open to the unknown.  

Without further ado, please welcome Buddy!  

Sunday, August 25, 2013

We Have an Announcement to Make About our Newest Team Members.

Our newest team members of Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators are Jim and Leah Treadway. Amazing things are happening right now, so stay tuned!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Collected Evidence from Veal Station Cemetery

  We've been investigating Veal Station Cemetery for quite some time now, and since then we have collected a substantial amount of paranormal evidence.  

Photographer:  Noralee Roberts
     This is an entity in the middle of the cemetery (none of our team members had their flashlights on, and the flash was off on the camera). 

Photographer:  Michelle McDonald
     This is a picture of lead investigator, Linda Chadwick.  At this moment, she was doing an EVP session by a tombstone.  The orange light is nothing paranormal (the light is coming from the EVP recorder), but the light blue mist to the left side of the orange light can not be explained (there were no flashlights on, no camera flash, and no reflection that could have bounced off of anything). 


*I would turn your speakers up to hear the EVP's; they are very faint. 

 EVP-  "Send him back, back to us."
      Our guest Doug was doing his first EVP session over by a tombstone.  You see, he used to live a few miles away from Veal Station Cemetery, about 26-27 years ago.  He brought it up during the EVP session, and little did he know, he received an immediate response.  The spirit said "Send him back, back to us".  You begin to hear it at 0:10. 

EVP-  Disembodied crying
     Linda, Amber, and our guest Doug were visiting Minnie Mae Isabell's grave.  As previously mentioned in another post, Minnie Mae Isabell is a spirit that has connected with Linda.  Every time our team has ever been out to Veal Station Cemetery, she has had an encounter with her. 
     Anyways, when we were visiting her grave, all of us felt a sudden gust of wind (it was a very still night, so the wind could not be explained).  After that, we all heard a sorrowful cry (it was not the gust of wind).  Luckily, we were able to get it on our EVP. 

EVP-  "Truck."
     During this EVP session, Linda asks "do you want us to leave?"; When an eighteen-wheeler truck passes by, you can hear a spirit say "truck".

Disembodied male yell

Unidentified woman's scream
A child saying "I want to play"

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Our First Visit to Veal Station Cemetery Weatherford, Texas

     Veal Station Cemetery in Weatherford, Texas was our first paranormal investigation as an established team. We have previously read about this place through numerous web pages, which instantly peaked our interests.  So one eerie night, we all decided to make a visit.  We packed up our equipment, loaded into the car, and then we were on our way. 

     Once we arrived and set up the equipment, we began to explore the cemetery.  The energies were very intense; the heaviness seemed to mask the whole cemetery.  The majority of our team members are sensitives, so we immediately began to feel overwhelmed and dizzy (we were feeling fine before we arrived).  Our EMF (electromagnetic field) detector went through the roof, and continued to spike throughout the whole investigation.  We were in the middle of nowhere, and there were no power-lines nearby that could have made the device go off.  As we were approaching one of the corners of the cemetery, we heard a disembodied growl (we later inspected the area, and there were no coyotes or other wildlife near the cemetery).  As we got closer and closer, the growl kept getting louder.  It was a very malevolent energy; it did not want us to go over there.  We did make it to the corner, only to find shattered tombstones and an unkept terrain; the names on the tombstones were faded and unreadable.  The team and I came to the conclusion that the entity was angry that its plot was neglected, and probably thought that we were vandals coming to trash the cemetery once again; the entity just wanted to be known.  With the EMF detector still on, John took out some cigarettes to use as a trigger object; the EMF detector spiked again (we also had our EVP on the whole time [electronic voice phenomena]).  John asked the spirits if they smoked, and the EMF detector went off again; so John left some cigarettes on a tombstone to appease the spirits.

     Our guest Thomas also had an interesting experience.  When we were in the middle of the cemetery, Thomas thought he saw someone over by his car.  He bolted over there to see what it was, but by the time he made it over there, what ever it was that he saw had completely vanished.  About that same time, Linda saw a blue orb shooting from Thomas' car to a specific headstone.  Linda is highly sensitive, so when she saw the orb, the name "Isabella" came across to her.  Instinctively, we all went over there to investigate; the name inscribed into the headstone was "Minnie Mae Isabell".  On one of the websites we reviewed, they mentioned that Veal Station Cemetery was known for having a glowing tombstone, and individuals have reported seeing a woman walking around her grave; we were floored by the similarities between ours and others' experiences.  

     When reviewing the evidence the next day, we discovered three EVP's.  We captured the disembodied growl when we were over in the corner, a "yes" in response to John asking if they smoked, and a "thank you" in response to John leaving cigarettes.  Sadly, our EVP's have accidentally been erased; no photographic evidence has been captured.