Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our Investigation at Benbrook Cemetery Benbrook, Texas

Weeping Angel.  Photographer:  Linda Chadwick

What's up paranormals? 

     Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators has recently received messages from a concerned individual.  She stated that every time she drove past Benbrook Cemetery, a strange feeling overcame her; she also saw lights and shadow figures within the cemetery at night.  With that being said, the team decided that these occurrences were good enough reasons to have an investigation there. 
     Overall, the team only had a few minor experiences, such as:  hair tugging, shadow play, and strange feelings.  The cemetery is heavily bordered by a gas station, open fields, and busy intersections, making it impossible to conduct an EVP session due to the ambient noises.  We can definitely say that this is a well kept cemetery, with many loved individuals buried inside; we see no reason why there would be any angry spirits.  Benbrook Cemetery was a very moving experience for us all. 

Unfortunately, we did not capture any EVP's or photographic evidence. 

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