Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Our First Visit to Veal Station Cemetery Weatherford, Texas

     Veal Station Cemetery in Weatherford, Texas was our first paranormal investigation as an established team. We have previously read about this place through numerous web pages, which instantly peaked our interests.  So one eerie night, we all decided to make a visit.  We packed up our equipment, loaded into the car, and then we were on our way. 

     Once we arrived and set up the equipment, we began to explore the cemetery.  The energies were very intense; the heaviness seemed to mask the whole cemetery.  The majority of our team members are sensitives, so we immediately began to feel overwhelmed and dizzy (we were feeling fine before we arrived).  Our EMF (electromagnetic field) detector went through the roof, and continued to spike throughout the whole investigation.  We were in the middle of nowhere, and there were no power-lines nearby that could have made the device go off.  As we were approaching one of the corners of the cemetery, we heard a disembodied growl (we later inspected the area, and there were no coyotes or other wildlife near the cemetery).  As we got closer and closer, the growl kept getting louder.  It was a very malevolent energy; it did not want us to go over there.  We did make it to the corner, only to find shattered tombstones and an unkept terrain; the names on the tombstones were faded and unreadable.  The team and I came to the conclusion that the entity was angry that its plot was neglected, and probably thought that we were vandals coming to trash the cemetery once again; the entity just wanted to be known.  With the EMF detector still on, John took out some cigarettes to use as a trigger object; the EMF detector spiked again (we also had our EVP on the whole time [electronic voice phenomena]).  John asked the spirits if they smoked, and the EMF detector went off again; so John left some cigarettes on a tombstone to appease the spirits.

     Our guest Thomas also had an interesting experience.  When we were in the middle of the cemetery, Thomas thought he saw someone over by his car.  He bolted over there to see what it was, but by the time he made it over there, what ever it was that he saw had completely vanished.  About that same time, Linda saw a blue orb shooting from Thomas' car to a specific headstone.  Linda is highly sensitive, so when she saw the orb, the name "Isabella" came across to her.  Instinctively, we all went over there to investigate; the name inscribed into the headstone was "Minnie Mae Isabell".  On one of the websites we reviewed, they mentioned that Veal Station Cemetery was known for having a glowing tombstone, and individuals have reported seeing a woman walking around her grave; we were floored by the similarities between ours and others' experiences.  

     When reviewing the evidence the next day, we discovered three EVP's.  We captured the disembodied growl when we were over in the corner, a "yes" in response to John asking if they smoked, and a "thank you" in response to John leaving cigarettes.  Sadly, our EVP's have accidentally been erased; no photographic evidence has been captured.

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