Sunday, June 29, 2014

Haunted Hill House - The Reveal of the Secret Room

Haunted Hill House - Mineral Wells, Texas - No paranormal evidence is featured here - Photograph taken by Linda Chadwick

Phil Kirchhoff, owner of Haunted Hill House, unearthing the secret room.  No paranormal evidence is featured here - Photograph taken by Linda Chadwick

What's up paranormals?

     This quaint bathroom, located in Haunted Hill House, remained walled up and concealed for over 30 years, until it was recently discovered by Phil Kirchhoff, Haunted Hill House's current owner, through a boarded up window.   Our team, as well as Dallas Paranormal Alliance, had the privilege to witness this truly chilling reveal.  Rumor has it that a mother drowned her infant son in this bathroom, which led the previous owners to completely seal off the room.   

The outside view from the secret room - Haunted Hill House - No paranormal evidence is featured here - Photograph taken by Linda Chadwick

The antique iron bathtub of the secret room - Haunted Hill House - No paranormal evidence is featured here - Photograph taken by Linda Chadwick

The toilet of the secret room - Haunted Hill House - No paranormal evidence is featured here - Photograph taken by Linda Chadwick

The sink of the secret room - Haunted Hill House - No paranormal evidence is featured here - Photograph taken by Linda Chadwick

The secret room - Haunted Hill House - No paranormal evidence is featured here - Photograph taken by Linda Chadwick

Amber Chadwick with Dallas Paranormal Alliance

Linda Chadwick with Dallas Paranormal Alliance

Feel free to check out our video of the reveal of the secret room:  

                        The Reveal of the Secret Room

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