Sunday, May 18, 2014

Investigation at "The Old School Building" in Cleburne, Texas 4/4/2014

The Old School Building - Cleburne, Texas - No paranormal evidence featured here - Photograph by Linda Chadwick

What's up paranormals?  
     Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators were invited to accompany a local Cleburne paranormal group to investigate this beautiful old school building, which is located in Cleburne, Texas and built in 1915.  To keep the privacy of this location, we will not reveal the name of this building and will only refer to this location as "the old school building".  During our initial interviews, we were told about the supposed deaths that occurred in and around this building; however, the rumors cannot be backed up because there is no historical evidence or true documentation on such occurrences.  However, we are sure that this old school building has plenty of residual energy within its walls from the many lives that were impacted there. 

Turning off the lights, it's investigation time!  No paranormal evidence featured here.  Photograph by Linda Chadwick

Investigation time!  No paranormal evidence featured here.  Photograph by Linda Chadwick
     Luckily, we were able to capture this one photo that contains paranormal evidence.  If you look in the bottom left corner, you can see a darkened apparition.  Sadly, we did not receive any EVPs.    

Photographic evidence of an apparition.  Photograph by Linda Chadwick
      All in all, it was a successful investigation.

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