Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Guess Who Has a Paranormal Investigation Booked on Halloween Night?'-lantern
What's up paranormals? 

     Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators is pleased to announce that we will be having a business/residential investigation booked on Halloween night!  Sorry, but we cannot tell you where we are going (we will tell you after the investigation!). 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Our Investigation at Benbrook Cemetery Benbrook, Texas

Weeping Angel.  Photographer:  Linda Chadwick

What's up paranormals? 

     Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators has recently received messages from a concerned individual.  She stated that every time she drove past Benbrook Cemetery, a strange feeling overcame her; she also saw lights and shadow figures within the cemetery at night.  With that being said, the team decided that these occurrences were good enough reasons to have an investigation there. 
     Overall, the team only had a few minor experiences, such as:  hair tugging, shadow play, and strange feelings.  The cemetery is heavily bordered by a gas station, open fields, and busy intersections, making it impossible to conduct an EVP session due to the ambient noises.  We can definitely say that this is a well kept cemetery, with many loved individuals buried inside; we see no reason why there would be any angry spirits.  Benbrook Cemetery was a very moving experience for us all. 

Unfortunately, we did not capture any EVP's or photographic evidence. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Collected Evidence from Laurel Land Cemetery Fort Worth, TX

What's up paranormals? 

     Today, we will be covering our collected evidence from Laurel Land Cemetery.  Sadly, we did not capture any EVP's, but we did capture two compelling photographs.  

Photo #1

Investigators Linda and Amber Chadwick; strange mist surrounding Amber.
Photographer:  Michelle McDonald
     As soon as the team found Linda, Amber, and Zachary Chadwick's relatives, we decided to sit down and record an EVP session, with hopes of communicating with them.  With no luck, we ended it and went on our way.  As we were walking away (we were probably 13 feet away from their graves), the EMF detectors went through the roof; it especially went off when put up against Amber (she had no electronic equipment on her at the time).  She began to feel drained, lightheaded, and sick.  That was when Michelle, our photographer at the time, snapped several pictures (back-to-back) of her.  After that, her camera died, despite having a full charge prior to the investigation.  When reviewing the evidence, we discovered that there was a yellowish-white mist surrounding Amber that was not present in the other photographs taken (the light by Linda was her flashlight).  The team concluded that not only was the spirit taking energy from the camera, it was also taking energy from Amber as well so that it could manifest itself in the photograph. 

Photo #2

Investigators John Hutshison and Zachary Chadwick
Photographer:  Michelle McDonald
     While we were investigating the mausoleums, the team kept getting EMF spikes; we also heard a woman scream, a child talking, and all smelt the smell of death lingering in the air (we also experienced electrical malfunctions with our equipment).  None of our team members had flashlights on (the camera flash was on, but there was nothing for the light to bounce off of; the ball of light would have been on one of the mausoleums if that were the case).   

These photographs can not be explained. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators now has a new team member.

What's up paranormals? 

     We are very happy to announce that we have a new team member.  Meet Felisha Oliver, our research manager.  Great things are happening right now, so stay tuned! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

We Are Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators

     Are you experiencing paranormal activity in your home or place of business?  Then contact us, we are here to help. 


Collected Evidence from The Absinthe Lounge Dallas, Texas

The Absinthe Lounge
 Dallas, Texas
Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

     What's up paranormals?  The team is sorry for the lack of blogs lately, and we promise to keep up with them as best we can.  


     South Side on Lamar lofts, located at 1409 S.  Lamar Street, Ste.  008, Dallas, Texas, was built by The Sears & Roebuck Company in 1913.  For at least 20 years, the building remained vacant; after that, it became what it is today.  The Absinthe Lounge, is one of the suites that resides within the building. 

Antique Sears & Roebuck Company safe
Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

South Side on Lamar lofts Dallas, Texas
Photographer:  Michelle McDonald


Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

"It's like, really scary".
     Team members John Hutshison and Zachary Chadwick, and ex team member Michelle McDonald were conducting an EVP session by the main part of the bar.  You can hear a disembodied child's voice beginning to speak (almost mockingly), even when Michelle began to talk about the EVP running.  *Linda and Amber were in another room, and Michelle's voice is very distinct, so it could not have been any of our team members.  This EVP was also captured on video. 

"SO...  Creepy".

     Team members John Hutshison and Zachary Chadwick, and ex team member Michelle McDonald were conducting an EVP session by the main part of the bar.  Right after Michelle began to talk about the building, you can hear a disembodied male voice mockingly saying "SO...  Creepy".  *John and Zachary were not speaking at the time of the EVP session.  This EVP was also captured on video.