Sunday, September 15, 2013

Collected Evidence from Cartersville Ghost Town Springtown, Texas

Cartersville historical marker.  Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

     Founded in 1866, Cartersville was once a thriving town in its prime; within it were many residences, local businesses, a school yard, and a church.  Sadly, their population began to decline in the 1900's, due to small pox outbreaks, a major fire, and Indian raids.  The only remaining structures of the once booming town are the church and school yard.  

Cartersville's Church:  No paranormal evidence featured here.  Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

Cartersville's school yard:  No paranormal evidence featured here.  Photographer:  Michelle McDonald

     Now that you have learned about Cartersville's history, lets get on with the paranormal evidence.  Sadly, we do not have any photographic evidence.  However, we do have many EVP responses.  

*Turn up your speakers!

     Linda asks if there is a little girl here (the church), and this is the response that we received.  

     This night, we brought Buddy (our paranormal pooch) on the investigation with us.  After John talked about him, we captured this immediate response.  


EVP-"You're welcome."  
EVP- Thump thump thump.  
     Throughout the investigation, we asked the spirits if they could knock three times so that they can make their presence known.  Needless to say, they did, and were in fact there with us. 
     John, Amber, and Zachary were in the church doing an EVP session.  When John asks "what's your name?", we captured an immediate response.

EVP- Bench scooting and EMF spike
     Linda was doing an EVP session by herself in the church.  As she is walking toward the entrance, she heard one of the benches scooting (which can not be easily scooted), and an immediate EMF (electromagnetic field) spike.  



Sunday, September 8, 2013

Meet Buddy, our "Paranormal Pooch".

What's up, paranormals?  

Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators are pleased to introduce our beloved paranormal pooch, Buddy, the pitbull/boxer/red heeler mix.  We have come to discover that he is a very intuitive dog and is a very welcoming addition to our team.  Unlike most dogs, Buddy has no reactions to other animals or people; However, he does have reactions to the unseen.  

After studying this concept for awhile, Heaven and Hell Paranormal Investigators can conclude that animals have psychic senses and can very well be used in paranormal investigations.  Depending on the animal, their reactions can be noted as potential evidence.  Just like children, they have pure and untainted minds, enabling them to be more open to the unknown.  

Without further ado, please welcome Buddy!